All you need to grow

Dream. Plan. Enjoy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu donec at curabitur, eget quisque dolor leo laoreet, at non, et amet quibusdam a orci curabitur, ligula amet massa ac. Malesuada vel luctus semper blandit, vivamus ipsum elit in dignissim id nunc, laborum vitae orci et ornare volutpat, lacus etiam vel adipiscing tellus eu, dolor faucibus hendrerit lacinia hendrerit malesuada. Metus ac iure, nisl vestibulum pulvinar sed, in luctus in dapibus nec congue, pede sit et magna, tellus possimus nullam elit vehicula. Nonummy lacinia reprehenderit in, congue vulputate adipiscing imperdiet donec potenti enim, massa pede nunc.

[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”600″ animation_speed=”700″][mkdf_image_with_text icon_pack=”” image_with_text_type=”box” link=”” image=”4489″ title=”Sales Representative” text=”New markets opening, expansion of customer base, fulfillment of current sales, new business generation, strategic linecard, electronic components specialization.” link_text=”Learn More…”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”200″ animation_speed=”700″][mkdf_image_with_text icon_pack=”” image_with_text_type=”box” link=”” image=”4501″ title=”Leads” text=”Inbound Lead Management, Outbound B2B Lead Generation, Customer Loyalty Nourishment.” link_text=”Learn more…”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”400″ animation_speed=”700″][mkdf_image_with_text icon_pack=”” image_with_text_type=”box” link=”” image=”4221″ title=”Sales & Development” text=”Account Management, Forecast Monitoring, Customer Service, OEM Design Influence, Technical Support, Product Validation Follow up, Commercial Negotiation.” link_text=”Learn More…”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”600″ animation_speed=”700″][mkdf_image_with_text icon_pack=”” image_with_text_type=”box” link=”” image=”4220″ title=”Marketing” text=”Market studies, Positioning strategies, Branding, Corporate Identity, Communication campaigns: ATL & BTL, Digital Marketing: SEO/SEM & Social Media, Benchmarking, Endomarketing, ROI Monitoring & optimization.” link_text=”Learn More…”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”600″ animation_speed=”700″][mkdf_image_with_text icon_pack=”” image_with_text_type=”box” link=”” image=”4219″ title=”Innovation” text=”Business Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Software Solutions, Efficiency Implementations, Process Optimization, Consulting.” link_text=”Learn More…”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
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[mkdf_section_title title=”Set Goals. Reach. Innovate. Repeat ” title_color=”” title_size=”medium”]

Enjoy the advantage to do business following a proven methodology to positonate your company in the region that you set as your goal, develop your products and technologies with the strategic customers, become the main supplier in the market by innovation through our dedicated team. Implement and repeat.

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[mkdf_section_title title=”Revenue per industry ” title_color=”#ffffff” title_size=”small”]
[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”200″][mkdf_pie_chart type_of_central_text=”percent” typography_style=”light” percent=”32″ title=”Automotive” inactive_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.2)”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”400″][mkdf_pie_chart type_of_central_text=”percent” typography_style=”light” percent=”19″ title=”Consumer” inactive_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.2)”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”600″][mkdf_pie_chart type_of_central_text=”percent” typography_style=”light” percent=”46″ title=”Industrial” inactive_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.2)”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
[mkdf_animations_holder css_animation=”mkdf-element-from-bottom” animation_delay=”800″][mkdf_pie_chart type_of_central_text=”percent” typography_style=”light” percent=”3″ title=”Medical” inactive_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.2)”][/mkdf_animations_holder]
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[mkdf_section_title title=”Leads” title_color=”” title_size=”small”]
[mkdf_accordion style=”boxed_accordion”][mkdf_accordion_tab icon_pack=”simple_line_icons” simple_line_icons=”icon-arrow-right” title=”Inbound Lead Management” title_tag=”p”]

Through several years, we have been experts in reaching our customers through cold methods. We have also learned that there is a better way.

You are already receiving leads through your web platforms, most of them unqualified, Our team joins the fray and help you qualify your prospects in record time.

We call your qualified leads immediately so they won’t need to search for your competition, Immediate contact increases your brand value, Immediate contact means less opportunities lost to competitors and more sales.

You get detailed reports of what we do but you only need to focus on moving your business forward.

We get you in front of your customers just at the right time so you can focus on closing.

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We are an extension of your sales team.

Our job is to get in front of your customers to find out what they do. We find all the ways your company can connect with your clients and create opportunities to supply specific components for their current product lines and their future projects.

We continue working together with your customers and get you onboard when they mean business. Our focus on relationship building allows us to create partnerships across the industry.

Never be a vendor when you can be an ally.

Can you imagine using your sales resources in the most efficient way possible?

We will help you with that.

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Do you have customers that could be buying more?

A current client is 10 times more likely to buy from you than a new one and that is why our team also creates internal leads. We explore the way your customers work and find opportunities to maximize your revenue with them.

All the time and effort you have placed in the account is a very valuable asset. Our relationship focused sales process can be a huge tool to take advantage of it.

We aim for results and like to get them efficiently.

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[mkdf_section_title title=”Sales & Development” title_color=”” title_size=”small”]
[mkdf_accordion style=”boxed_accordion”][mkdf_accordion_tab icon_pack=”simple_line_icons” simple_line_icons=”icon-arrow-right” title=”Account Management” title_tag=”p”]

Your customers are safe and comfy with us.

We have developed a proven methodology to guarantee the best experience for your most valuable customers, keeping the highest level of confidence on your organization by minimizing the risk, creating tight communication channels, all translated into the entire customer satisfaction.

Our long term business philosophy drive us on every action, that is why we have optimized our CRM system to keep perfect track on every order, according to the global and regional sales agreement.

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Monitoring sales should be an easy task, as well as compare sales vs forecast, but what happen when unexpected behavior in sales affect your metrics?

Understanding the root cause of those fluctuations are critical for your operations, and better would be to be able to anticipate those and plan your production according to the nature of your end customer’s market.

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Your customers rely on you, and an uninterrupted follow up on all orders and a professional service oriented team is key to guarantee high supplier score cards and future orders.

Issues can happen, but what distinguish proficient suppliers is how you resolve those issues.

Our experience allow us to go forward despite any difficult situation with no affecting your relationships.

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Demand creation through design stage is our priority, we understand that your company need to fill your sales pipeline with brand new opportunities, new names, strategic design collaborations in the industries that you need to focus on.

Bpro sales origins comes from the strong conviction of finding those key players for you, becoming their strategic supplier has been our priority and focus along these years.

With our software solutions, you will get a clear as water vision of the main projects in development from the protagonists of our industry and we will keep you updated on the latest designs where we can design in your products.

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You are the expert of your product technology, and having a multidisciplinary team that can reach out those customers that needs to know about your products is the perfect combination for success.

Train our people to have your dream team complete, we will help you to educate your customers how to use your technology and create a synergistic partnership with them at design stage and product validation.

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When you face long design cycles and a big amount of opportunities in the pipeline having the most advanced CRM and a proven methodology will be crucial to reach high conversion rates.

Bpro sales use tailor made solutions adapted to the best practices to keep the track of everyday activities and progress along the product validation at design stages for dynamic industries such as Consumer and more persistence challenging like Automotive or Medical industries.

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Price is not everything, Long term business are made by the win-win combination.

We have been leaders on price negotiations with many customers, and we have testified success stories in the front row where the initial invitation to negotiate was a target price.

We believe that price is important but not everything, and we are committed to find those win to win commercial agreements that will allow your customers achieve their goals and you enjoy more profit for a healthy relationship.

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[mkdf_section_title title=”Marketing” title_color=”” title_size=”small”]

“A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.” Henry Ford

There will definitely never be an improvement in sales without a good marketing strategy.

Bpro sales is concient about this reality, and we encourage our principals not only to develop market knowledge but to develop strategies that will understand our customers needs and will approach throught the right channels the product technologies they are looking for.

The elements that integarte our marketing service allow us to analyze and study the introduction that our principals have in the market as well as to enhance and improve their positioning in order to increase their sales. We act based on reliable data from the market and already gathered knowledge to proceed the generation of the most effective strategies customer by customer.

Subsequently we launch and manage the campaigns that will provide us leads, opportunities and customer knoledge to engage with the target new customers or expand our print position with current customers.

The main difference between your toughest competitors and you, is the understanding of your customers needs and how you communicate with them, and we will be happy to help you and overcome the 2.0 marketing revolution. Whether Digital or Traditional formats, Bpro sales has the experience and creativity to find the most effective strategies collaborating with your Marketing team or simply developing from scratch your next campaing.

Feel free to contact one of our experts to learn how to start your campaing working with us.

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[mkdf_section_title title=”Innovation” title_color=”” title_size=”small”]

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower” Steve Jobs

The technology has driven the world to progress, and when we implement those new technologies into our lives bring times of big changes. We are testifying rapid changes in all the industries, there is nothing static, the only constant is change, and change is calling for innovation to all the companies.

We are seeing how big companies have been overtaken by recently founded companies.

Over the last ten years, 40 different billion-dollar startups were founded. Facebook is now worth more than Disney, Coca-Cola and Intel.

We are convinced that the Innovation positioned those big brands years ago, and Innovation is affecting to those companies that decide not to innovate.

Well established companies do not have to do anything wrong, just waiting for someone to do it better than them to surpass them and take their place.

We found that 93% of the executives are looking for innovation to drive growth, but 81% of those executives do not believe their organizations know how to lead innovation, that is why in Bpro sales we decided to create a specialized team in Innovation, to offer a platform to our suppliers to discover how to innovate their products, how to reinvent their selves and bring new strategies to succeed in this dynamic world.

Our team ONE LATITUDº can help your organization to develop sensiveness to your marketing and product development teams, create sales strategies that will bring effectiveness to your sales teams, and much more.

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